Monday, December 26, 2011

Making In Roads

Hamza Andreas Tzortzis has written a paper on embryology in Qur'an.
This post has the link to the paper.
Here this paper is noticed by PZ Myers, the presiding deity of evolutionists in the US - American version of Richard Dawkins.
Of course PZM puts up a brave face. The trouble with the atheists is that they do not realize the layers and layers of falsehood that they have surrounded themselves by. In deed they see others surrounded by these very layers. They might know about the inferiority complex but ignorance complex is still unknown to them. And new information takes time before it is soaked in the ecology of the brain.
But for now this is no small matter that people from the current scientific establishment are taking note of Muslim point of view. Whether they agree with it or not is their responsibility.