Saturday, February 1, 2014

Some Persian Poetry

Here is some Persian poetry.
Yours truly has not gone trough it but it looks like a good collection.


Kaare bagair ishq na daarem dar jahaan

Ishq ast kaare maa va badeen kaar aamdem
I have no mission except Love in this world
My mission is Love and my work is Love
Aanaa ke khaak raa ba nazar keemiyaa kunand
Aayaa bavad ke goshaye chashme ba maa kunand
Those who can turn dust into gold with a single glance-
Would that they would cast a glance at us!
Sohbate yak saayate baa auliyaa
Behtar az sad saalaye taayat be riyaa
One moment spent in the company of a man of God
Is better than a hundred years of meditation
Nami goyam ke az duniyaan judaa baash
Ba har kaare ke baashi ba Khudaa baash
I do not say that you must leave the world
But in every work that you must do, keep God with you


Kaan raa ke badaadand badaadand badaadand
Vaan raa ke na daadand na daadand na daadand
He, whom He gives, He gives, and He goes on giving
And He, whom He does not give, He never gives
Khaaham ke na gardam zato gaafil yak dam
Afsos azeen ghaflate har dam, har dam
I had wished that I forget Thee not, even for a single breath-
Alas, I rue now the moments of forgetfulness, with every breath


Rishtaye dar gardanam afgandaa dost
Mee burad har jaa ke khaatir khaaye dost
My Eternal Friend has put a string around my neck
And leads me wheresoever He wills


Bishkanad daste ke kham dar khidmate yaare na shud
Kor beh chashme ke lazzatgeer deedaare na shudh
The hands are better broken if they have not been bent to serve the Lord
The eyes are better blind if they have not had the joy of seeing Him


Andeshaye khaar ast dareen saire gulistaan
Dar khilvate dil gulshane be khaar babeened
There is the fear of thorns while strolling in the gardens of the world,
But in the silence of the heart, you can look upon a garden without thorns


Dile daaram ke dar vai gham na gunjad
Che jaaye gham ke shaadi ham na gunjad
I have a heart in which there is no sorrow,
Nay, there is no place in it for joy as well
Behijaabaana daraa az dare kaashaanaye maa
Ke kase nest vajuz darde to dar khaanaye maa

Enter thou within the doors of my dwelling without any hesitation,
For here there is nothing else except a pain for you


Bahaaye khesh mee daanam ba-neeme jau nami arzad
Agar Maulaa karam saazad bahaaye be-bahaa kar dard
I know my worth, it is not even that of half a mustard seed
But if the Lord showers His Grace, I shall become priceless


Raihmate Haq bahaa nami joyad
Raihmate Haq bahaanaa mi joyad
The Grace of the Lord does not demand a price
The Grace of the Lord seeks an excuse to come!
Shaadbaashe ishqe khush saudaaye maa
Vai tabeebe jumlaa illat-haaye maa
O My Love, may thou ever remain happy,
For thou hast healed me of all my infirmities


Jaane azeez kaabile sozo gudaaz nest
Een rishtaa raa masoz ke chand een daraaz nest
O my dear beloved friend, do not burn it-
For this string of life is not long enough
Gadaa sultaan shavad gar zaan ke sultaan
Nishaanad bar sareere khud gadaaraa
A beggar cannot become a king, unless the king so wills-
And brings the beggar to the throne himself


Too az hukame daavar gardan ma pech
Ke gardan na pechaz za hukme to hech
Turn not away from the order of thy Master
And none shall turn away from any order that is thine


Har kujaa darde davaa aanjaa ravad
Har kujaa pasteest aab aanjaa ravad
Where there is a pain, the medicine must go
And where there is a slope, the water must flow

Husne Yusuf dame Eesaa yade Baizaadaari
Annche khooban hamaadaarand to tanhaadaari
The beauty of Yusuf, the breath of Christ, the rod of Moses,
That which each one of them had separately, thou hast with thee, alone
Deeno duniyaan dar kamande aan pari rukhsaare maa
Har do aalam keemate yak taar mooye yaare maa
This world and the next are in the fold of that fairy faced One
The two worlds together are the price of a single hair of my loved One


Kaar saaze maa ba fikre kaare maa
Fikre maa dar kaare maa aazaare maa
The doer of my works is worrying over them,
It is only my worrying over them that is the cause of my distress

Naa bazoro naa bazaari naa bazar mi aayad
Khud ba khud aan bute Ayyaar bavad mi aayad
Neither force, nor crying, nor wealth shall cause Him to come
He shall come, all by Himself in silence, like the statue of Ayyaar
Gadaa kooye turaa maile baadshaahi nest
Havaaye sultanat va zauke kaj kulaahi nest
The beggar of Thy Lane seeks not to become a king,
He cares not for the glory of a kingdom nor the majesty of an awry crown
Khud makun begaanagi baare choon meedaani ke charkh
Aashanaayaa raa za yak digar judaayi mee dihad
Seek not to separate from one another so soon,
For the rotation of the skies shall surely bring about a separation one day


Gar che zamaane na bavad guzashto daure rasool
Vali zahoore valaayat dareen zamaanaye maa ast
Though the age of the seers, prophets and messiahs is gone,
The time has come for me to reveal myself in the world
Har ke khidmat kard o makhdoom shud
Har ke khud raa deed o maadoom shud
He, who is given over to service, becomes a master

But he who looks only to himself becomes non-existent
Haq jaane jahaan asto jahaan jumlaa badan
Tauheed hameenasto deegar haa hamaafan
The Lord is the life of the Universe and the Universe His body
This alone is truth and the rest is all conjecture


Na tanhaa ishq az deedaar khezad
Bas aan ki daulat az guftaar khezad
Love does not spring only on seeing
It is that wealth which can be had on hearing as well


Ai lakaayato javaabe har savaal
Mushkil az to har shavad be keelo kaal
O Thou art a Dictionary with an answer to every question
One which solves all difficulties without asking


Khaaham ke too paak shavi az jurm
Varnaa bandaa hargiz balaa na farishtam
I had wished that thou be freed of all sin
Otherwise, O man, I would not have sent retribution on thee

Bani aadam aazaaye yak deegar and
Ke dar aafreenash za yak jauhar and
Man is but a part of man,
For their birth is of one essence

Har ke az dil khezad
Bar dil rezad
That which comes from the heart-
Must go to the heart
Khastgaaraa noshdaaru mee diham
Bastgaaraa dar kushaayi mee kunam
To those afflicted, I bring a cure
To those in bondage, I bring freedom


Bayaa ai shekh dar khumkaanaye maa
Ke sharaabe khur dar kausar na baashad
O Shekh ! Enter thou into my drinking tavern
And drink of that wine not found even in heaven !



Dosh az masjid sooye maikhaana aamad peere maa
Cheest yaaraane tareekat baad azeen tadbeeere maa
Leaving the place of worship, our Master entered a drinking tavern,
O thou orthodox believers, what else could we do but follow him!
Ai khush aan roz ke aayiyo ba sad naaz aayi
Behijaabaana sooye maifile maa baaz aayi
O what a joyous day it will be when thou shalt come with a hundred glories,
Without any  hesitation, into my dwelling place again
Mardmaanash az hamaa pakeeza tar
Khoob rooyo, khoob khooyo, khush sear
Those who are the purest of the pure- His lovers,
Have faces that are beautiful, natures that are beautiful, and habits that are beautiful


Jamaale hamnasheen dar man asar kard
Vagarnaa man hamaa khaakam ke hastam
It is the light of my Eternal Friend that illuminates my existence,
Baihare yak nazzaaraa bar dare oo
Saal haa saal intazar mee baayad kard
For a single glimpse of Thee at Thy door,
I can wait year after year


Yak saayate hazooriye oo een chuneen guzasht
Man ijz boodan oo hamaa naazo garoor bood
A single moment before Him passed in such a way
That I was all humility and He was All Glory


Makaane yaar door az man na par daaram na paa ai dil
Ajab dar mushkil uftaadam chunaan tai saazam een manzil
My Beloved’s house is far away, I have neither wings nor feet, O heart!
It is a strange dilemma this - how can I ever reach my destination ?


Dostaan raa kujaa kunee maihroom
To ke ba dushmanaa nazar daari
How canst Thou forget Thy friends,
Thou who art even by the side of Thine enemies!
Shaadbaashe dil ke fardaa bar sare baazaare ishq
Muzdaye katl ast gar che vaadaye deedaar nest
Be happy, O Heart! That tomorrow in the bazaar of Love
There are the tidings of death, though not the promise of union

Har kamaale ke maasavaaye Haq ast
Dar haqueeqat zavaal mi daanam
Every rise in the world other than towards God,

In reality, I look upon as a downfall

Baiharest baihare ishq ke hechash kinaaraa nest
Een jaa juz een ke jaan ba supaarand chaaraa nest
The Ocean of Love is an ocean without a shore,
In this place there is no choice but to give up one's life


Agar dar khaanaa khas ast
Yak harf bas ast
It it enters the realm of the heart
Even one word is but enough


Khaanaye Saadi choon deedam ba yak mushte khaaro khas ast
Kaarvaane raihravaan raa een kadar manzil bas ast
I saw the house of Saadi- and it was a house of straw and thorns,
"For the caravan of life that goes along the way, this much of a place is enough!"


Jaan jaanaa rabb de varnaa vistaanad ajal
Khud too munsif baash ai dil, een na ko yaa aan na ko
Give up thy life to thy Beloved otherwise there is death to take it
Be thou thy own judge, O heart, whether to give it here, or to give it there!


Cheh pursee zaahidaa vakte sharaabam
Pesh az iptadaa man baadaa khaaram
O philosopher, why askest thou me the time of my drinking?
I was drunk even before the dawn of Creation!
Hargiz na meerad aanke dilash zindaa shud ba ishq
Sab dast bar jareedaye aalam davaame maa
He never dies whose heart lives on in Love
In the office of this world, the seal of immortality shall ever be mine!
Gar falak kaare turaa barham zanad az jau marau
Jaamaa raa khayyaat kataa baihare dokhtan
If the skies dash thy hopes to pieces, be not distressed
For the tailor cuts the cloth only to sew it
Kilaafe tareekat bavad auliyaa
Ke tammanaaye az Khudaa juz Khudaa
It is against the nature of holy men
To desire anything from God except God


Har kaseraa baihare kaare saakhtan
Maile oo dar khaatarash andaakhtan
Every person in the world is meant for some work
And has been endowed with that inclination


Baa yaar kase dast dar aagosh naa kard
Taa tarke zaro seemo dilo hosh na kard
Thou cannot have the Beloved in thy embrace
Till thou has given up thy gold and silver, thy heart and thy senses


Kushtgaane khanjare tasleem raa
Har zamaa az gaib jaane deegarast
For those who die willingly on the field of Love,
There comes a new life, every moment, from a direction unknown


Sar baraihna nestum, daaram kulaahe chaar tark
Tarke duniyaa, tarke ukbaa, tarke maulaa, tarke tark
My head is not uncovered, it has a four-cornered cap (whose corners show)
I have left the world, left salvation, left my God, and left even the notion of leaving!

Na shagoofaa-am, na samran, na darakhte saayaa daaram
Dar hairatam ke daihkaan cheh kaar kisht maaraa
I am neither a flower, nor a fruit, nor a tree that gives shelter

I wonder for what purpose the Creator has sent me upon earth

Agar Firdaus bar rooye zameenasto
Hameenasto, hameenasto, hameenasto!
If on earth there be any Paradise,
It is this, it is this, it is this!

Eesaa agar murdaa ba sad duaa zindaa
Sad murdaa kunee zindaa shokh ba dushnaami
If Christ could raise a dead man with a hundred prayers,
My Beloved can raise a hundred dead with a single rebuke!

Maa shaakhe bulandem pur az mevaye tauheed
Gar raahguzar sang zanad aar na daarem
I am a tall branch filled with the fruits of Reality
If passers by hurl stones, I am not surprised

Murgaane hamaavaaz majmooye azeen gulkhan
Parreeeda badaan gulshan ba gariftaa nasheman haa
Birds of the same voice, living together in the furnace of existence

Fly away at last towards their nest in the garden

To za kujaa gariftayi ai gule shokh rangoboo
Gar ba chaman na deedayi yaare chaman taraaz raa
From whence hast thou captured this beauteous scent and colour, O Rose,
If thou has not seen the Creator of this garden?


Bishnau az nai choon hikaayat mee kunad
Vaz judaayi haa shikaayat mee kunad
Ask of the flute the meaning of its cry-
It plays the mournful note of separation

Hubaabam bar sare aabam za buniyaadam che me pursee
Havaa taa dar sare daaram dareen veeraanaye aabaadam
I am a bubble on the crest of water, ask me not of my foundation,
For as long as there is air within me I am alive in this wilderness


Bandaaye ishq shudi tarke nasab kun Jaami
Ke dareen raah falaan ibne falaan cheeze nest
When thou hast become a slave of Love, O Jaami, give up the boast of thy birth
For on this path, so and so, the son of so and so, is meaningless


Maile man sooye visaalo kasde oo sooye firaak
Tarke kaame khud gariftam taa baraayad kaame dost
I desire Union, He desires separation
I give up my desire and am united with my Friend's Will


Har ke vakte subah dam dar yaade Haq bedaar nest
Oo muhabbat raa che daanand laayake deedar nest
He who thinks not of God early with the first breath of morning
What can he know of Love, when he is not worthy of a glimpse of Him


Man lazzate darde to ba darmaa na farosham
Kufr sare zulfe to ba eemaan na farosham
I shall not sell the pain for Thee for the sake of medicine
I shall not give up Love's heresy for the sake of belief


Maraa har zarraa zarraate aalam
Ba to raahe visaal mee numaayad
Every particle of the Universe
Shows to me the way to unite with Thee

Havaa maseeh nafas gasht va baad naafaa kushaa
Darakht sabz shudo murg dar kharosh aamad
The air is now invigorating and the breeze scatters scent
The trees are turning green and the nightingales are singing

Sarnavishte maa ba daste khud navisht
Khush naveesast oo na khaahad bad navisht
The writer of my destiny is writing with his own hand
His handwriting is so beautiful that he can never write anything unkind
Insaan ke shikam seri az yak naan ast
Vaz hirso havas shaamo saihar nalaan ast
Man whose stomach is filled with but one piece of bread
Cries day and night in greed and lust

Bedaar shau az khaab ki een jumlaa khayaalaat
Andar nazare mardame bedaar choo khaabast
Awaken thou from these dreams, for all these thoughts
Are like a dream for one who is awakened


Ai dil bakooye ishq guzaare nami kunee

Saamaan jamaadaariyo kaare nami kunee

O heart, thou hast wandered not in the lane of Love,
Thou hast collected a lot, but for nothing

Ayaan hai jab vo khud hee dareen jaa
To matlab rahaa kyaa hamen nihaan se
When He Himself is revealed in every place
What need have we for One who is hidden
Azeen masaa-ibe dauraan manaalo, shaadaan baash
Ke teere dost ba paihlooye dost mee baayad
Be not afraid of the troubles of the world- be joyous!
For 'tis the arrow of a friend, coming to the embrace of another friend

Ba naame aan ki oo naame nadaarad
Ba har naame ki khwaani sar bar aarad
By what name canst thou call Him--
For He answers to every name that exists!


Maneh dil bareen daihare naa-paayedaar
Za Saadi hameen yak sukhan yaad daar
Give not thy heart to this perishable world
Remember this one word of advice from Saadi


Ham Khudaa khwaahi va ham duniyaaye doon
Een khyaalasto mahaalasto janoon
We desire God and we are attached to the world
This thought is farcical, it is that of a madman


Ai azeez dar khurdi pasti, dar javaani masti, dar peeri susti
Ai madhosh khudaa raa kai parasti
O friend, when a child thou wert too small, when a youth thou wert full of fire, when old thou wert wearied--

O thou lost in forgetfulness! What time didst thou leave for God?


Az mafaakaate amal gaafil mashau
Gandam az gandam baroyad, jau za jau
Be not ignorant of the fruits of your actions
If thou sow wheat, thou shall reap wheat, and barley shall give barley


Maa dar che khayaalemo falak dar che khayaal
Kaare ke Khudaa kunad falak raa cheh majaal
I think in one way and the skies in another
But what must be, is God's Will, and the stars can scarce act otherwise


Baa maute akhtayaari har ke murdaa
Za maidaane haqueeqat goye burdaa
He who dies a willing death
Carries the day on the playground of Reality


Gar nami khwaahi shavam dil khastagi
Jaaneman! vaakas makun dil bastagi
If thou wish thy heart be never broken,
Then O beloved friend, bind it not to anything
Anche bar khud na pasandi
Bar deegaraan maa pasandi
That which thou dost not like for thyself
Do not unto others


Ain hasti khud tooyi pas az to choon munkar shavem
Hujjate hastiye tust een hastiye inkaare maa
Thou art Existence itself, how can we deny Thee?
Our very denial of Thy existence is a proof of Thee!


Maa em pur gunaah to dariyaaye raihmati
Jaaye ki fazale tust che baashad gunaahe maa
We are full of sin, and Thou art a river of Mercy
Where Thy Kindness prevails our sinfulness canst scarce remain
Darmiyaane kaare dariyaa takhtaa bandam kar dayee
Baaz mee goyi ke daaman tar makun hoshiyaar baash
In the middle of the river thou hast set me afloat on a plank
And sayest: 'Careful, lest thy clothes get wet'
Shabe taareeko beeme maujo girdaabe chuneen haayal
Kujaa daanad haale maa subuk saaraane saahil haa
The night is dark, the waves with whirpools threatening
What know they of our plight - those who stand on the shore


Shabe maahtaabo baade khush labe dariyaa sanam dar bar
Kisaan daanand haale maa gareekaane tammavuj haa
A moonlit night, a wondrous wind, the shore in sight and the Beloved by my side-
How canst they know of my joy, they who drown in the waves!


Gar javaani taubaa kard
Shevaaye paigambarest
He who knows of repentance in youth
Has the makings of a Prophet

Sarv kadaa chamaan chamaan bar labe joo ravaan ravaan
Farshe rahe to kumriyaan taalaye shaan bapaa kushaa
Tall as the Cyprus tree, walk thou by the side of the stream
Thy floor is the bowed heads of thy lovers whose destiny thou hast unlocked


Jaame za mai baaki az daste khushe Saaki
Baa kasrate mushtaaki mee joyomo mi raksam
I take the cup of the wine of eternity from the beautiful hands of the Saki
I drink from it and then dance with ecstasy forever


Raihnavardaane muhabbat raa payaam az maa rasaan
Kaan dareen raah yak kadam az khud guzashtam manzil ast
To those who walk on the path of Divine Love, give this, my message,
That on this path, to put one step further, beyond  one's ego is to reach the destination


Dauraane baakaa choon baade seharaa biguzasht
Talkheeyo khusheeyo zebo zishto biguzasht
The time of life passed away like the wind over the jungle,
The good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly- all passed away


Kavi shudem che shud, naatvaan shudem che shud
Chuneen shudem che shud, chunaan shudem che shud
Bahech gunaa dareen gulsitaan karaare nest
To gar bahaar shudi maa khizaan shudem che shud

Thou hast become strong, or thou hast become weak, what then ?
Thou hast become like this, or thou hast become like that, what then ?
No matter how much thou may try, thou cannot stay in this garden of life,
So if thou dost become the Spring, and I, the Autumn, ah, what then ?


Yaareen beguzeen ke bevafaayi na kunad
Dil khastaa turaa dar aashanaayi na kunad
Paibastaa dar aagoshe kinaarat gardard
Hargiz za to yak gaam judaayi na kunad

Make such a friend who will not betray thee,
Who will not break thy heart in love,
Who will ever be by thy side,
And never be separate from thee even for a single step


Aitbaare vaadaahaaye mardame duniyaan galat
Haan galat, aare galat, imshab galat, fardaa galat
Nuskhaye beenaayiye deevaane umre maa mapurs
Khud galat, mazmoon galat, inshaa galat, imlaa galat

It is wrong to rely on the promises of worldly men
They are wrong, this night is wrong, tomorrow night is wrong,
Ask not me of the illumination of my life
I am wrong, my spelling wrong, my writing wrong, and my dictation wrong


Cheest duniyaa sar basar purseedam az farzaanaye
Guft, yaa khaabast, yaa baadast, yaa afsaanaye
Keest aankas ke baro shaidaa shavad jaan mee dehad ?
Guft, yaa dev asto, yaa gool asto, yaa deevaanaye

‘What is this world in all its fullness?’ I asked a wise man,
He replied: ‘It is either like a dream, or like the wind, or like a story!’
‘Who would wish to stake his life on such a world?’
He replied: ‘Either a ghost, or a will-o-the-wisp, or a madman!’


Baaz aamdam baaz aamdam
Taa vakt raa maimoo kunam
Baaz aamdam baaz aamdam
Taa darde dil afzoon kunam

I have come again, I have come again
To make the times a-glorious
I have come again, I have come again
To increase the pain of love in the hearts
I have come again, I have come again


Pas az man shere man khaanando mi goyando dar yaa band
Jahaane raa deegar gun kard yak marde khud aagaahe
After I am gone, they shall read my verse and think of the being who came into their midst,
Who knew of himself, and who changed the world and left


Source: ReoCities