Thursday, June 1, 2023

On Rohit Vemula


Our Rohit Vemulas
A colleague has destroyed careers of at least three students. This is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Two of the boys had confided in me. One wanted to join me for his research work and that was his mistake. The professor brought his grade in high energy physics paper down and pushed him out of consideration. He was stoic while reporting to me but I think he was fighting his tears. He is from the majority community. Second one must have said something positive about me and the professor brought him down, failed him, in the paper that he was teaching. Years after this boy is a man and he is writing very delusional emails to me, to that professor and to Nobel Laureates. Third is the case of a girl that I came to know from others. He saw to it that she did not get her MSc degree. My guess is that she must have resisted the trap of his charms and paid dearly and disappeared from the scene. I do not dig into his activities but he keeps a complete tab on mine. Of course our students have the protection of Islamic ethos from extreme steps. This is true even for non-Muslims students. The delusional one did ask me to help me but I did not intervene because the professor is extremely crafty and the student is very fickle minded.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

15:85 or What?

Tejesvi Yadav once said in an assembly debate that the Saffronites are showing fear of 15% to 85%.

It should be called fear of 15 percent to 79 percent.

That is the crux. The percentage of majority community has come down to less than 80%. This is not a matter of quibbling about small numbers. It is about psychological impact. This is how the Saffronites see the things.

In fact they are very worried about the 85-76=6%.

If the Sikhs refuse to be with the Saffronites then their weight shifts towards Muslims. The 6% adding to 15% makes it 21% and that is very scary for the Saffronite. That is why this constant attempt to show the Sikhs as anti-Muslim.