Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Salam Dr A.S. Nakadar

He does the things with elan and professionally. It irritates your poor Alig to no end when professional people do not act professionally. And when you see a personal acting professionally it is a pleasant experience. Aligs have a lot to learn from Dr A.S. Nakadar. He hails from Gujrat but lives in the US. He has built an educational institution in his home state. But the the other impressive thing that he has created is the AFMI. American Federation of Muslims of Indian origin. This year they held their annual convention in Ranchi, capital of Jharkhand. In their conventions they discuss issues of Indian Muslims and more importantly they honour high achivers of Indian Muslim boys and girls in class tenth and twelfth examinations. This must be an awesome experience to these young ones. This year they managed to get the Jharkhand Governor to attend. Yours truly is not at all a fan of fan fare nor power games and power display but no one can ignore the temporal powers in his right mind and it will not be Islamic to have disdain for temporal powers because the people get these powers because Allah(SWT) allowed them. Though AFMI convention is usually a lavish affair, and this your poor Alig finds inconvenient, but nevertheless it is an impressive affair too. A decade ago they had their convention in AMU too. That is when some of us came to know that AFMI in US can have an appointment with the President of USA. It is no mean achievement in the modern world that you can express your view to the most powerful man in the world. The number of Aligs in the US will be much higher than the clientele of AFMI. And they are in general accomplished people. This much is obvious from the discussions on AMU related groups. One thought that has been bothering the grey cells of your truly for nearly a decade is that why Aligs can not do the same. They do have the organization a too. Aligs might be the most organized community in the academic alumni scenario of the world. The exceptions might be very few. Then why is that Aligs do not have the same professional level of functioning. Why this lack of confidence? Please look inside you - you might be doing some thing wrong. Dr Nakadar has the same number of legs and fingers as you.

PS: This post was triggered by the news that they have managed to get PM to attend their meeting in Delhi.