Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Heart Breaking Story

This is about fiction.
Mirza Hadi Ruswa wrote a very heart breaking novel called Umrao Jan Ada.
This is the story of a women who is snatched away from her normal life and is condemned to live a famous one. The author has indulged in such mixing of real and fictional elements that it is difficult to decide whether it is a story or it is autobiographical narration. This only accentuates the pangs of pain inherent in the story.

Dey phadane  ki ijazat sayyad
Shab-e-awwal hai giraftari ki

Allow me to writhe in pain o hunter
This is only my first night under arrest

And even the beginning of the story is is devastating.

Lutf hai kaun si kahani mein?
Aapbeeti kahun ke jag beeti?

Which story has the joy?
Mine one or others'?

All these emotions were triggered by an interview of Professor AMK Shaharyar by Faridoon Sharayar. Thanks to Dr Shaheer Khan for the hat tip. Professor Shaharyar is not at his best in this interview but even then it is great to have him around us. May Allah(SWT) grant him good health and long life. May He guide us all on the Right Path.