Friday, March 16, 2012

How to Meet the Vice Chancellor?

Just few minutes ago when yours truly arrived at the Department of Physics there was a shining Ambassador car in front of the portico. It is between Maghrib and Isha and it was a curious time for the honourable VC to be around. Only driver was around the car and at yours truly's obvious curiosity he confirmed that it is in deed the VC who is around. Great. He came to see his old department. Soon an aristocratic bureaucrat was infront and he inquired about the where about of  Professor Wasi Haider. Having just arrived yours truly had no clue what so ever about the location of the Chairman of Physics Department. Soon a security man accompanying him was dispatched upstairs who declared that Professor is not there. VC proceeded to his car. Yours truly called Professor Wasi Haider and lo and behold he was in the department. Only he was in his room - not Chairman's office. By this time the VC entourage was on University Road and the Chairman had to contend with a telephone call. So be it. The interesting scoop is that the VC is a former student of the present Chairman.
Not bad. May Allah(SWT) make the coming days good for the Department, the University and the new comer. May he protect every one from evil glances.