Thursday, April 7, 2011

Return of Don Quixote

Q: Who is Don Quixote?
A: The main character in a novel of the same name by Spanish author Cervantes. According to Wikipedia:

As a founding work of modern Western literature, and one of the earliest canonical novels, it regularly appears high on lists of the greatest works of fiction ever published.
Q: What is a quixotic task?

A: It is foolishly impractical pursuit of ideals, typically marked with rash and lofty romantic ideals, according to

Q: Why is it being used here?
A: Because we have suggested a quixotic idea earlier, see here and  here, and we are suggesting similar things in this post. Now have a look at the paragraph below from here:

Today more than 30,000 particle accelerators are at work in hospitals, factories, shipping ports and laboratories around the world. Historically, breakthroughs in accelerator science come from basic science, leading to applications for diagnosing and treating disease, cleaning up polluted air and water and greener industrial processes. Next-generation technology like the EMMA accelerator will help pave the path for even more applications. STFC issued this press release about EMMA on April 1:
So let us explore the possibility of replicating those stories here at AMU.

We intend to return to the uses of accelerators in later posts.