Thursday, December 30, 2010


There was flamboyance and informality in Miyan's personality. But he knew the stature of the people and had consideration for that. When a senior retired professor visited him he made great efforts to get up for him-an effort that was indeed difficult for him but he knew what he was doing. A close friend Shams Zaheer Sahab was similarly treated with immaculate dignity. Unprintable words were completely banished in such companies. Managing contradictions of life is not an easy task and only few are endowed with that facility. Miyan's company consisted of very diverse type of people.

Janab Amir Sajjad Sahab, Raja of Mehmoodabad was another person who was treated with complete dignity. Raja Sahab once visited Anona House to consult Hakim Kalimullah Sahab (DB) for consultation. "He is physical patient of the same Hakim whose spiritual patient you are," Miyan remarked to a spiritual associate of of Hakim Sahab (DB). Miyan was pleased with his own ingenuity. This was his forte.

Once one of the members of the gheebat club said something that could heart another person. The speaker did not know that. Miyan said, "The tongue must be firmly under control".

Weakness in part of human nature. Managing that increases man's stature. Miyan had got some share of that managing skill. No wonder a thousand threads got severed with his departure.