When General Zamiriddun Shah too over the reins of the Aligarh Muslim University he got down to work - we mean brass tacks. In the first phase the top brass of the university is all military. And yours truly is enjoying it. Yours truly, by the grace of Allah (SWT) lives amongst academicians and does not fancy an academician Vice Chancellor any more. Yours truly is vociferously for the university as an academic institution but the fact can not be changed that it is a charged institution. Ours is not to complain but to submit to the Will of Allah (SWT). So once we accept that this is a charged institution in a way let us cope with it as such. Civil servant Vice Chancellor? Alright. Armed Forces Vice Chancellor? Alright. As long as it remains Academic Muslim University it has my full support to become Aligarh Military University. Administration - Army. Object - Academics.