Thursday, June 21, 2012

Scholar's Advice to Layman

Maulana A S Desai's advice to non-Ulama. Please read as it is extremely edifying.


30 Muharram 1430 (26-01-2009)

Abdus Sattaar Syed
Cape Town

Respected Brother,

Your e-mail dated 24-01-2009 refers.

Islaah of the Nafs is of paramount importance. In all spheres of life,
whether in business, in family affairs, or Deeni matters, never be
neglectful of this aspect. It is essential to always examine the
intention and the motive. Even when embarking on a Deeni project,
refelect, do some soul searching and endeavour to fathom yourself to
detect whether the niyyat is sincere or contaminated with some
nafsaani motive.

When a person always adopts the practice of reflection before action,
then after some time Allah Ta'ala bestows to him the capacity of swift
detection of any thief which may be lurking in his heart. When we
criticize those whom we believe are on baatil, we should do so with
trepidation, recite Istighfaar and think deeply before the criticism
to ascertain whether the criticism is indeed motivated by Ikhlaas and
by a concern for the Haqq.

It is best and safest for laymen to strictly adhere to the issue and
not deflect therefrom.
For example, when you criticize Sanha, only
point out to them their flaws, their errors and the harm they are
causing with their halaalization projects. Do not degenerate to a
personal level where you will brand them with labels and epithets in
the way in which we (Mujlisul Ulama) do.
We have our own Deeni agenda
and we understand what we are doing. It is not for everyone to adopt
our methodology.

If for example a person's father is committing haraam, then it is the
duty of the son to offer naseehat. He shall plead and advise his
father. He will speak with affection and respect, addressing his
father appropriately. If his father consumes liquor, he may not begin
his naseehat by saying: "Drunkard! Faasiq, Faajir! On the other hand,
if the father admonishes his son for the latter's misdemeanours, it
will be proper for him (for the father) to say: 'O faasiq! O
shaitaan!, etc. etc.

Thus if a layman admonishes a Molvi who has strayed, he should not
address him as we do, e.g. 'Ulama-e-Soo!, etc. Relationship, rank and
position should be taken into consideration when criticizing.
Everyone does not have the same right of acquittal.

Furthermore, make dua of hidaayat and general goodness for those who
are being criticized and for those whom we believe to be on baatil,
and at the same time supplicate for our own safety and protection of
Imaan, for we do not know what the morrow holds for us.

So, do speak out strongly against baatil, but restrict the criticism
to the acts and save the culprits from epithets. Don't imitate our
example in this respect.

Source : SF