Thursday, November 3, 2011

When Obvious is not Obvious

Our western brothers and sisters have chosen that path for them, society as a whole, that has made them blind to the obvious things.
One such obvious thing is that strange man and woman should not have any privacy with each other. (The statement can be made more precise but we'll pass that for the moment.)
One example where this is being violated, for quite some time by now, is the presence of female staff in military.
We have talked about it earlier too.
Here is some more on the ensuing horror-this time from Australia.

(1) Sex harassment rife at Australia military academy 

(2)  Australian soldier rapes to prove manliness

(3) Dirty games in Australian Navy

(4) Fallen Heroes

 Till now people are taking these things as a disgrace, as it should be. Soon they will accept it as just another inconvenient truth-to be acknowledged and immediately forgotten. Now is the time to think about this curse as curse and take step to obviate it. Stop female recruitment to armed forces. Give women their proper place-even if some of them think that their legitimate place is beside the men in uniform. And even if some of the men have fooled some others to the effect that  it is women's liberation to put them in very vulnerable position.