Friday, November 18, 2011

Freedom to be Islamophobic

The blogger here has an offer for European Muslims to get interviewed for her blog.
A visitor, Fatima Michaels, wrote the following:
Why only Muslims in Europe? Why not interview Europeans concerned about Muslim immigration, lack of assimilation, violent tendencies and the creeping sharia law.
This is a nice summary of the things that will tumble out of this cupboard. Let us take them up one at a time.

(1) Muslim immigration is a problem.

This is a duplicity believed by too many Europeans. Anybody looking at the statistics will know that even in the most prominent cases of migration the Muslim populations are miniscule in Europe.

(2) Muslims do not assimilate.

In matters secular they should completely assimilate. In matters of Shariah, if there is pressure to assimilate then, they should migrate elsewhere. 

(3) Muslims have violent tendencies.

This is a calumny. There should be an international law in place to make such people accountable for their actions who indulge in open xenophobia.

(4) Shariah Law is a Creepy Crawly.

See above once again.