Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Mecca Rebellion

No we did not know about it.
May be because of the mystery shrouding this event.
In 1979 the Holy Kaaba was captured by a cult.
The Mecca Rebellion is a book about that by Thomas Hegghammer & Stephen Lacroix.
To the eyes of a layman like your poor Alig one is German and another French. And our European brothers, not talking about the present authors, generally give a great impression of objectivity but their perspective is more subjective that any oriental narrative. Reason is that the subjectivity of an oriental author is rather obvious-no so in case of an orientalist.
Dawud Israel review the book here.
He writes impressive prose.
Here is one quote:
It is an invaluable read because it highlights the problematic relationship between Islam and politics, the dynamics of various religious movements, and how these two elements foment frustration when their is fealty to a status quo where Islam is subservient.
He also drops a statement that came as a surprise to your poor Alig. He said that the Ahl-e-Hadith movement is of Indian origin. Did not know that. This only increases the responsibility of Indian Muslims. It seems the Muslims of India have too many problems at their hands!