Sunday, March 13, 2011

Scientist Perturbed

 A serious physicist insisted that you do not need God to explain disasters.
Mullahs ridiculed the notion that science could provide an explanation; they incited their followers into smashing television sets, which had provoked Allah's anger and hence the earthquake. As several class discussions showed, an overwhelming majority of my university's science students accepted various divine-wrath explanations.
Since majority of the students did not really go with him it might look like a no-benefit exercise to take up this issue. It is not. Some issues still need clarification. Or elaboration.

There is nothing wrong in the scientific explanations of natural phenomena like earthquakes and tsunamis barring the assertion that God has nothing to do with them. The whole point of the creation of world is to facilitate man to worship his Lord. Man tends to forget it and Lord being Most Kind keeps reminding him. An earthquake is a reminder, a drastic one but a reminder nevertheless. There are small reminders also. Like a person becoming a father. In celebrations we usually forget this is reminder that one has to make room for the next generation-it has already arrived. Similarly the death of a near or a dear one or a neighbour. Or appearance of a white hair. These are all reminders that we have to leave this world.

Those who recognize these signs, we say that they have received the guidance. Those who do not, for them we say that there are curtains between them and the Signs of God. A person, who is really a gem of a person in terms of character, was to undergo a serious operation. The attending physician said to him that remember Allah, pointing upwards, and everything will be alright. This person replied that doctor do not rely upon Him, there is nobody there. May Lord Most High forgive us for this narration. (Zikr-e-kufr kufr nabashad.) By the Grace of Lord Most High this person completely recovered. But he missed the guidance.

People do miss that a white hair is a sign of life after death for which we should prepare. People miss that deaths around us, in the routine life, are signs of life to come-that we too have to go. People miss signs in personal disasters. And they do miss the signs in public disasters.

And if ye be thankful what will He get by putting you in trouble?

May Lord Most High give us the felicity to recognize His Signs and act according to the injunctions of his law.