Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thanking Them

Here are some words of thank by Professor Jagdish Prasad Srivastava, formerly a professor at the Physics Department of AMU from the preface of the upcoming third edition of his book Elements of Solid State Physics published by Prentice Hall.
Dr. Mohd. Wasi Khan, Department of Applied Physics, AMU, Aligarh, has remained a regular and strong support in my endeavour of making the book better. He has earned to be worthy of my thanks and appreciation.

Finally, I acknowledge gratefully the contribution of Late Professor Israr Ahmad, my former colleague, who is credited with getting me invaluable inputs on the book from his colleagues at King Abdul Aziz Univ., Jeddah. It is a befitting moment to revere and salute his love for an academic cause.
 The book has become very popular having been adopted by many Physics Departments in India and abroad, including many prestigious places.

Prentice Hall of India (Second edition)
Flipkart (Old Edition)
Google Books