Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Mammoth Went Down

The mammoth has gone down.
The mammoth is the US military.
Gays are no more banned to serve the US military.
But when a mammoth goes down it has the possibility of taking many with it.
There was a meeting of American Psychology Association where gays stormed the venue and got their recognition.
The powerful country could not protect its prized asset, the professional class-in this  case the psychologists, from rowdyism. And the world is paying the price. Gays are gate crashing every avenue.
Is US turning into an abnormal country? That is, if it has not been that for long.
Suppose ex-criminals stormed the US parliament to get the penal code abolished? In all probability the US of A has most versatile of such communities.
It makes one's head spin but US does not know as to where they are going.

Source: BBC, Al Jazeera, New York Times