Thursday, September 8, 2011

And Then a Blaze

A repeated battering by hurricanes and now a blaze in Texas. According to New York Times:
It has destroyed more homes than any other single wildfire in state history ...
Natural disasters are natural.
Nature is from God.
Every natural disaster should be taken as a reminder that we might be doing something that is not pleasant to Him. We do not think that way. We think that natural disasters are natural-they just are there. We think that they is no cause or reason behind them. This is the hardening of hearts. Allah (SWT) says that if you are obedient then what will He get by giving you punishment. For those who take heed there is great admonition in this. But are we listening. Then there is a lesson for Muslims also in this. If they worry only about their own worship then they are liable to get caught in the ensuing punishment on the society they live in.

Is anybody listening?