Thursday, June 30, 2011

Who Should Be Outraged?

A Syrian Girl in Damascus is a blog.
Or it was.
It discussed human orientation-other than straight. You see how difficult it has been made to be normal in modern times? You have to find words to describe the norm, the normal, the usual.
Above blog was not from Syria. It was from Ireland.
It was not by a Syrian. It was my an American.
It was not by a girl. It was by a man. A grown up man-technically a student but a grown up man nevertheless.
In short the blog was a hoax.
The differently oriented people were out raged by the behaviour of this man.
He undermined their cause.

But wait a minute. Who should be out raged at this fraud replete with obscenity?
The answer is Muslims-the people who are silent.
There is a man who kept feeding obscenity to the world and the world was swallowing it up.
Muslim society had come of age-for them.
Being numb-that is what we are at the present moment of history, is understandable. Both Islam and Muslims are under assault from the most powerful institutions in the history of world. Assault on Islam is velvet-they declare that they are not against Islam. Assault on Muslims is not so velvety.
Being dumb is not understandable.

Source : BBC (1,2,3,4)