Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Love Proving Einstein Wrong

Everybody loves proving Einstein wrong.

Search the present blog and you'll get to know that there is an Alig connection also in this direction.
Now there was Einstein and there was Einstein-in the sense that he worked on a large number of problems. Usually romantic images will limit a great scientist to a one stunt wonder. Einstein is not to be bound in such silly limitations. For example he had more than 200 hundred papers to his credit. Yes.
He worked on Special Theory of Relativity.
He worked on General Theory of Relativity.
He worked on Brownian motion.
He worked on Photo-Electric Effect. He got Nobel Prize for that.
He worked on Quantum Mechanics.
For example there is an EPR Paradox. Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen.
This is where you have some chance of proving him wrong. That is what people have been trying.
See, for example, here.
An to complete the other story interwoven with the main story, Einstein worked on many more things.