Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Great Western Rope Trick

Wait a minute isn't rope trick an Indian thing?
In deed that is what our western friends would like us to believe.
So what is it?
Firstly, go to Wikipedia, to get a gist. So in 19th century India there were magicians who could make a rope stand erect, without support. Plus a few more tricks.
The gist of gist?
Well these Indians are tricky. Aren't they?
The proponents of the great Indian rope trick, obviously, are the people who colonized India. By trick. Or a series of them.
And then they declared Indians to be tricky.
What about that as the Great Western Rope Trick? Rope trick without a rope.
But, as is usual here, that is not the trick that precipitated this post. It is another western trick that irked the conscience.
That trick is the combination of Darwinian evolution and holocaust.
You should not generalize evolution to sociology. This leads to social Darwinism. Later was manifested in holocaust. But you must stick to it in biology, they demand. Yes that is what. Science or no science in this case it is a demand. We are out to define science is the assertion in the background. Nothing objective about it.
But you should not ask questions like what scientific barrier is there to stop Darwin from leaking to sociology. That is bad science.

And then there another great western rope trick. Yes this time we'll let it pass in small letters. There was a tragedy of gigantic proportions-of the holocaust proportion called partition of India. A tragedy designed and executed by the west-under its divide and rule policy. It does not find the same place in history. Nor similar ensuing facilities to the suffering side. Another great western rope trick.
But how can there be so many great western rope tricks. Great is supposed to be unique.
Well isn't west great? That is why?