Tejesvi Yadav once said in an assembly debate that the Saffronites are showing fear of 15% to 85%.
It should be called fear of 15 percent to 79 percent.
That is the crux. The percentage of majority community has come down to less than 80%. This is not a matter of quibbling about small numbers. It is about psychological impact. This is how the Saffronites see the things.
In fact they are very worried about the 85-76=6%.
If the Sikhs refuse to be with the Saffronites then their weight shifts towards Muslims. The 6% adding to 15% makes it 21% and that is very scary for the Saffronite. That is why this constant attempt to show the Sikhs as anti-Muslim.
Saturday, April 1, 2023
15:85 or What?
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