Saturday, May 5, 2012

Noble Qur'an Only

Apparently following Verses of the Noble Qur'an prove that we should follow Qur'an only in the sense of shunning the Prophetic Traditions completely.

(2:38, 2:63, 2:91, 2:120-121, 2:213, 2:176, 3:32, 3:73, 4:105, 5:3, 5:47-48, 5:99, 6:19, 6:114-115, 6:155-6:157, 7:3, 7:144-147, 7:169-171, 12:111, 17:9, 18:27, 20:113, 20:123-124, 20:133-134, 21:27, 21:45, 22:16, 22:54, 23:49, 23:73, 25:30, 28:49, 28:56, 33:1-2, 33:67, 34:6, 39:23, 39:41, 41:44, 45:6, 50:45, 98:1-8)

Since above assertion has been rightfully trashed at the Sunni Forum we have kept above list as a souvenir.