Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Quarak Gluon Plasma Zindabad

That is just for the sake of a slogan.
Yes the Quark Gluon Plasma or QGP people have done their experiments at higher energies.
No super/bumper/dumper result to communicate to you people. Only some measurements of physical parameters will be done.
Yes some people from your Physics Department are part of this experiment.
The experiments are being done at LHC.
LHC stands for Large Hadron Collider.
LHC is at CERN, Geneva.
CERN stands for European Center for Nuclear Research. The abbreviation is not ECNR because the original name is in French and that can be abbreviated to CERN.
And most of the research work at CERN is no more about Nuclear Physics. It is about Particle Physics.

Here is the latest report that triggered the present post.

EDIT : People in your Physics Department are members of ALICE group. Results discussed above were from another group called ATLAS.